Fine Cell Work

Fine Cell Work is a social enterprise that trains prisoners in paid, skilled, creative needlework undertaken in the long hours spent in their cells to foster hope, discipline and self-esteem. In prisons all across the UK, inmates are filling their hours embroidering highly-crafted cushions, bags, pictures and patchwork quilts. The work is of a superb quality as the prisoners are taught and supported by volunteers from the Embroiderers and Quilters Guild. The prisoners are paid for their work, and spend an average of 20 hours per week embroidering, with all the classes having a waitlist due to their popularity! 97% of all the stitchers are men, and the activity can help them discover a more constructive and reflective side to themselves. Fine Cell Work aims to broaden the horizons beyond the prison walls, helping inmates to make a contribution by connecting them to wider society and giving them a brighter outlook on their future.

  We've collaborated with the amazing Fine Cell Work to create these SWAG jumpers! They're hand stitched by Prisoners in the UK and are made from 100% Organic Cotton, they look great paired with jeans and a bomber jacket, or over your sports gear!  The date the sweatshirt was made...
We've collaborated with the amazing Fine Cell Work to create these SWAG jumpers! They're hand stitched by Prisoners in the UK and are made from 100% Organic Cotton, they look great paired with jeans and a bomber jacket, or over your sports gear!  The date the sweatshirt was made is...


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